Member Benefits
Membership with AGC of Alaska provides your entire team with the tools and resources to grow and support your business. Joining AGC of Alaska is the best possible way to ensure that your voice is heard on the numerous issues affecting your daily construction-related business activities. Find additional details about member benefits below.
AGC Online Plans
Launched in 2014, AGC's Online Plans has quickly become the go-to tool for information on all construction projects - past, present, and future - going on in the state of Alaska. Our members are among the first to know about new projects/RFPs through daily project reports that are emailed to our members each morning. AGC’s Online Plans system allows members to add themselves to the bidders list, track projects by keyword/region, provides free unlimited downloads of bid documents, with the ability to create individual logins for all of your employees to access our database. The site hosts plans, specifications, addenda, contact information, and much more, providing users with all the crucial information for any given job.
Since its founding in 1948, AGC has served as the voice of the construction industry in the state of Alaska, providing expert advice and guidance to state and federal agencies, private groups, and other trade organizations. Learn more about:
- Our annual Legislative Fly-In
- 2024 Legislative Priorities
- Advocacy Page
- Committees
Education & Training
From elementary school to post-secondary and apprenticeship programs, AGC is involved at every level of construction education in Alaska, awarding thousands of dollars in scholarships every year. Our offices host frequent AK-CESCL and CQM classes (with a member discount), and are available to rent for your own trainings.
If you’re looking for an ‘in’ to the construction community, you’ve found it. AGC frequently gathers our varied membership together for many different kinds of events. Whether you prefer the educational Lunch & Learns or the Annual Forecast Breakfast, our Golf Tournaments and Clay Shoot events, or a blend of the two, you’ll always walk away with invaluable lasting connections.
Collaborative 401k Plan
The NW AGC Chapters Retirement Plan offers cost effective, high quality retirement plan options available exclusively to members of the five Northwest AGC chapters: Alaska, Idaho, Inland NW, Oregon-Columbia and Washington chapters. In addition to the attraction of an affordable, low maintenance, high reward retirement plan for your company and employees, the AGC Plan also offers excellent Prevailing Wage package deals which can help employers save even more money on FICA, L&I/Workers' Compensation, and other payroll taxes.
Comprehensive Group Health Benefits
The AGC Health Benefit Trust provides access to cost savings of level-funding without taking on added risk, with Allstate Benefits. Our program gives AGC members access to a broad, national network — like the Aetna Signature Administrators PPO Network and Cigna networks — while providing quality health benefits to all of your group's members.
Publications & Exposure
We pride ourselves on knowing that we represent the best of the construction industry and make it part of our mission to inform the general public, local and national government, other contractors, and others of our members' dedication to excellence and their achievements. This is accomplished through multiple print and digital mediums, television ads, advertising and sponsorship opportunities, awards for design & safety, and more. We print a yearly Member Directory- the best construction phone book you'll ever find - and a quarterly magazine, The Alaska Contractor, which has a distribution list over 5,000 strong. Find out more through the links below:
- Union Negotiations & Contracts
- We Build Alaska (To Like & Follow the Build Alaska Facebook page, click HERE)
- AGC Build Alaska Podcast Series
AGC of America Membership
Membership with your local chapter of AGC automatically includes membership with our national parent organization, AGC of America, as well. AGC of America benefits include access to e-newsletters, national webinars focused on important industry updates and topics, discounted registration for additional educational trainings and programs, national award submission opportunities, and industry savings through a vast member discount program.
AGC of America's discount programs include:
ConsensusDoc Subscriptions- click here to view the 2023 ConsensusDocs Catalog
Vehicles & Fleet Management
Fuel, Materials & Tires
Business, Industry, and Shipping Solutions
Watch this quick video to learn more about AGC of America's discount programs, and start utilizing your AGC of America membership today!
Need more information? Contact our Membership Director to set up a time to meet and discuss membership more in-depth. (907) 561-5354 or